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Wednesday, May 30, 2012

T.T Obama - VNWAR-Cuộc chiến tranh này là một trang sử đau buồn nhất của Hoa Kỳ ».

LTS- Xin đừng quên 20 triệu nhân dân Việt Nam đã bị giết do tội ác của tập đoàn việt gian cs,  tên Đại Việt Gian HCM . Hiện nay 93 triệu nhân dân Việt Nam tiếp tục bị tù đày, tra tấn, tàn sát, buôn nô lệ lao động, nô lệ tình dục, nô lệ trẻ em, bị bóc lột tận xương tủy, bị đánh độc bằng nhiều độc chất do Tàu sản xuất...v..v.. Tập Đoàn Việt Gian CS , tư bản đỏ Tàu xâm lược, và các ác thế lực, các đảng phái núp dưới vỏ bọc viện trợ nhân đạo, viện trơ phát triển thị trường theo định hướng XHCN, thương mãi, kinh tế hợp tác , xây dựng v..v..để tước đoạt tài nguyên và sức sống của Việt Nam nói riêng và các nước nhỏ bé, yếu đuối nói chung. Đã đến lúc các nước nhỏ hợp quần để chống lại các tà quyền, ác thế lực kết cấu với nhau thành thế lực thực dân kiểu mới để thống trị thế giới.

Obama Recalls Vietnam Vets' Treatment as 'National Shame'

Khi Mỹ chạy...
 Khi Mỹ chạy, bỏ miền Nam cho Cộng Sản (Tàu-Nga)
Sức mạnh toàn cầu nhục nhã kêu than
Giữa tù laobệnh hoạn hàn
Thơ vẫn bắn, và thừa  sức đạn!
 thơ biết một ngày mai xa xôi nhưng sáng lạn
Không dành cho thế lực yêu gian
Tuyệt vọng dẫu lan tràn
Hy vọng dẫu tiêu tan
Dân nước dẫu đêm dài ai oán
Thơ vẫn đógông cùm trên ván
Âm thầmthâm tímkiên gan
Biến trái tim thành “chiếu yêu kính” giúp nhân gian
Nhận  nguyên hình Cộng Sản
Tất cả suy tànsức thơ vô hạn
Thắng không gian, và thắng cả thời gian
Sắt thép quân thù, năm tháng rỉ han!
(1975) (Tập thơ Vô Đề , Tác giả Vô Danh)
** tên ăn cắp thơ Alibaba Nguyễn Chí Thiện và tập đoàn việt gian cướp bài thơ của tác giả Vô Đề.

Obama Recalls Vietnam Vets' Treatment as 'National Shame'

By Jon Garcia | ABC News – Mon, May 28, 2012
U.S. President Barack Obama delivers remarks about the 50th anniversary of the beginning of the United States' involvement in the Vietnam Warduring a Memorial Day event a the Vietnam Veterans Memorial. Image Credit: Chip Somodevilla/Getty Images
In his second address this Memorial Day, President Obama paid specific tribute to those perished during the Vietnam War on the 50th anniversary of its beginning. He recalled the sacrifice of the troops who served there and the unjust blame that was heaped on them upon their return.
"It was a national shame, a disgrace that should have never happened. That's why here today we resolve that it will not happen again," Obama told vets and their families gathered at the Vietnam War Memorial on the national mall. "You were often blamed for a war you didn't start when you should have been commended for serving your country with valor."
The 50th anniversary, Obama argued, is another chance to set the record straight and "tell your story as it should have been told all along."
"That's one more way we keep perfecting our union, setting the record straight. And it starts today. Because history will honor your service," Obama said. "And even though some Americans turned their back on you, you never turned your back on America."
And the President also said America mustn't forget about the 1,666 troops who are still missing from the Vietnam war nor the POW's who returned home.
"Let it be said in those hell holes like Briarpatch and The Zoo and the Hanoi Hilton, our Vietnam POW's didn't simply endure, you wrote some of the most extraordinary stories of bravery and integrity in the annals of military history," he said, referring to infamous prison camps set up by the North Vietnamese.
Obama admitted that there was still debate over when the actual war began. While the U.S. had advisers there in the mid-1950's and major combat operations began in the mid-1960's, he told the story of one defining moment-one used as the peg for calling this the 50th anniversary.
"It was 1962. It was January in Saigon. Our Army pilots strapped on their helmets and boarded their helicopters. They lifted off, raced over treetops carrying South Vietnamese troops. It was a single raid against an enemy stronghold just a few miles into the jungle. But it was one of America's first major operations in that far away land."
In all 58,282 were killed in Vietnam. Their names are etched in the black granite wall that served as Obama's back drop today.
"It's here we feel the depth of your sacrifice," Obama said. "We come to this wall - to this sacred place - to remember. We can step towards its granite wall and reach out, touch a name. Today is Memorial Day, when we recall all those who gave everything in the darkness of war so we could stand here in the glory of spring."


Remarks by the President Commemorating Memorial Day

Memorial Amphitheater
Arlington National Cemetery
Arlington, Virginia
11:39 A.M. EDT
THE PRESIDENT:  Thank you very much.  Please be seated.  Good morning, everybody.  Thank you, Secretary Panetta, for your introduction and for your incredible service to our country.  To General Dempsey, Major General Linnington, Kathryn Condon, Chaplain Berry, all of you who are here today — active duty, veterans, family and friends of the fallen — thank you for allowing me the privilege of joining you in this sacred place to commemorate Memorial Day.
These 600 acres are home to Americans from every part of the country who gave their lives in every corner of the globe.  When a revolution needed to be waged and a Union needed to be saved, they left their homes and took up arms for the sake of an idea.  From the jungles of Vietnam to the mountains of Afghanistan, they stepped forward and answered the call.  They fought for a home they might never return to; they fought for buddies they would never forget.  And while their stories may be separated by hundreds of years and thousands of miles, they rest here, together, side-by-side, row-by-row, because each of them loved this country, and everything it stands for, more than life itself.
Today, we come together, as Americans, to pray, to reflect, and to remember these heroes.  But tomorrow, this hallowed place will once again belong to a smaller group of visitors who make their way through the gates and across these fields in the heat and in the cold, in the rain and the snow, following a well-worn path to a certain spot and kneeling in front of a familiar headstone.
You are the family and friends of the fallen — the parents and children, husbands and wives, brothers and sisters by birth and by sacrifice.  And you, too, leave a piece of your hearts beneath these trees.  You, too, call this sanctuary home.
Together, your footsteps trace the path of our history.  And this Memorial Day, we mark another milestone.  For the first time in nine years, Americans are not fighting and dying in Iraq.  (Applause.)  We are winding down the war in Afghanistan, and our troops will continue to come home.  (Applause.)  After a decade under the dark cloud of war, we can see the light of a new day on the horizon.
Especially for those who’ve lost a loved one, this chapter will remain open long after the guns have fallen silent.  Today, with the war in Iraq finally over, it is fitting to pay tribute to the sacrifice that spanned that conflict.
In March of 2003, on the first day of the invasion, one of our helicopters crashed near the Iraqi border with Kuwait.  On it were four Marines:  Major Jay Aubin; Captain Ryan Beaupre; Corporal Brian Kennedy; and Staff Sergeant Kendall Waters-Bey.  Together, they became the first American casualties of the Iraq war.  Their families and friends barely had time to register the beginning of the conflict before being forced to confront its awesome costs.
Eight years, seven months and 25 days later, Army Specialist David Hickman was on patrol in Baghdad.  That’s when his vehicle struck a roadside bomb.  He became the last of nearly 4,500 American patriots to give their lives in Iraq.  A month after David’s death — the days before the last American troops, including David, were scheduled to come home — I met with the Hickman family at Fort Bragg.  Right now, the Hickmans are beginning a very difficult journey that so many of your families have traveled before them — a journey that even more families will take in the months and years ahead.
To the families here today, I repeat what I said to the Hickmans:  I cannot begin to fully understand your loss.  As a father, I cannot begin to imagine what it’s like to hear that knock on the door and learn that your worst fears have come true. But as Commander-In-Chief, I can tell you that sending our troops into harm’s way is the most wrenching decision that I have to make.  I can promise you I will never do so unless it’s absolutely necessary, and that when we do, we must give our troops a clear mission and the full support of a grateful nation. (Applause.)
And as a country, all of us can and should ask ourselves how we can help you shoulder a burden that nobody should have to bear alone.  As we honor your mothers and fathers, your sons and daughters, we have given — who have given their last full measure of devotion to this country, we have to ask ourselves how can we support you and your families and give you some strength?
One thing we can do is remember these heroes as you remember them — not just as a rank, or a number, or a name on a headstone, but as Americans, often far too young, who were guided by a deep and abiding love for their families, for each other, and for this country.
We can remember Jay Aubin, the pilot, who met his wife on an aircraft carrier, and told his mother before shipping out, “If anything happens to me, just know I’m doing what I love.”
We can remember Ryan Beaupre, the former track star, running the leadoff leg, always the first one into action, who quit his job as an accountant and joined the Marines because he wanted to do something more meaningful with his life.
We can remember Brian Kennedy, the rock climber and lacrosse fanatic, who told his father two days before his helicopter went down that the Marines he served alongside were some of the best men he’d ever dealt with, and they’d be his friends forever.
We can remember Kendall Waters-Bey, a proud father, a proud son of Baltimore, who was described by a fellow servicemember as “a light in a very dark world.”
And we can remember David Hickman, a freshman in high school when the war began, a fitness fanatic who half-jokingly called himself “Zeus,” a loyal friend with an infectious laugh.
We can remember them.  And we can meet our obligations to those who did come home, and their families who are in the midst of a different, but very real battle of their own.
To all our men and women in uniform who are here today, know this:  The patriots who rest beneath these hills were fighting for many things — for their families, for their flag — but above all, they were fighting for you.  As long as I’m President, we will make sure you and your loved ones receive the benefits you’ve earned and the respect you deserve.  America will be there for you.  (Applause.)
And finally, for all of you who carry a special weight on your heart, we can strive to be a nation worthy of your sacrifice.  A nation that is fair and equal, peaceful and free.  A nation that weighs the cost of every human life.  A nation where all of us meet our obligations to one another, and to this country that we love.  That’s what we can do.
As President, I have no higher honor and no greater responsibility than serving as Commander-in-Chief of the greatest military the world has ever known.  (Applause.)  And on days like this, I take pride in the fact that this country has always been home to men and women willing to give of themselves until they had nothing more to give.  I take heart in the strength and resolve of those who still serve, both here at home and around the world.  And I know that we must always strive to be worthy of your sacrifice.
God bless you.  God bless the fallen.  God bless our men and women in uniform.  And may God bless the United States of America.  (Applause.)
11:49 A.M. EDT

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