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Friday, March 4, 2011

Đẹp Magazine-AL HOÀNG’s Family Members harrassed elderly protesters at a rally against his Sister’s un-ratified VNCH’s Board of Directors

City Council Member AL HOÀNG’s Family Members harrassed elderly protesters at a rally against his Sister’s un-ratified VNCH’s Board of Directors

ĐẸP MAGAZINE reporting

Houston – Sunday February 27,2011 at 1:30 pm: Hundreds of Vietnamese American Voters in the Houston & Vicinities gathered at the Vietnam War Memorial in Southwest Houston. They came to respond to the call from the Vietnamese American Voters League of Texas (VAVLT) with the intention to protest the Board of Directors of the Vietnamese Community of Houston (known as the VNCH in Vietnamese) new term 2011-2014. The VAVLT was formed by several well known community leaders including past presidents and past chairmen of the election committee. The “Board of Directors” (BOD) was lead by Mrs. Teresa Hoang, an attorney, City CM Al Hoang’s younger Sister, who is planning an annual General Assembly Meeting. The purpose of the meeting was to form a new committee to re-write the current By-Laws. They also wanted to vote on self-substituting the new Board of Supervisors (or Auditors) members to replace the 4 open seats left by members who recently resigned, with new members. And create a new partisan political action committee and a new financial committee. All this was to happen inside a restaurant nearby.

Under the shadow of the Vietnam War Monument, the VAVLT, armed with American and Vietnamese Heritage Flags, a very powerful PA system, posters, banners in Vietnamese and English to protest the un-ratified VNCH’s Board of Directors who are illegally took over the community center, took over the Board by disregarded the community By-Laws. According to the current VNCH By-Laws, an election of the Board of Directors is only valid once both the Election Committee and the Board of Supervisors (or Auditors) come to an agreement of the election results. No such agreement had ever come about, thus the illegalities of any new activity of the new group. The new group had ignored the advice from the current Board of Supervisors and fooled the County Judge Court number 4 Roberta Floyd into an illegal swearing ceremony to transition them as the new Board. The Board itself was elected upon in an unauthorized election by an illegally staged General Assembly just 5 minutes before her arrival to witness the most foolish political show in the Vietnamese Community since 1975.

The VAVL of Texas, making their case by continually using the PA system, exercising their freedom of speech waving posters and signs, created a lot of headaches to Teresa Hoang and her supporters of approximately 200 sitting inside the restaurant. In retaliation, a group of female supporters of Teresa Hoang, angry and short tempered, came out of the restaurant and attempted to harass the protesters with shouts and curses. Along that mostly female troublesome group were immediate family members of Al Hoang, City Council Member District F and Teresa Hoang, illegal VHCH President, including their parent in laws, their older sister and her husband. They crossed the line between the two groups and used the profanity to argue with the protesters while using confrontational body language towards the elderly protesters. And in a very special incident, Al Hoang’s older sister took away a Heritage Yellow flag (S. Vietnam Flag) from a protester, broke the small wooden flagpole and then stomped on it. This action created a wave of anger from the protesters, they got very mad at Al Hoang’s sister, cursing her, pushing her back to her group and shouting at her for her disrespectful act against the Heritage Flag. The Heritage Flag is the ultimate symbol of the Vietnamese American Communities and the Refugee Communities in the Free World. The private security guards, hired by Teresa Hoang, could not control the situation from their own group, so Houston Police Department was called. Several officers were dispatched to the scene and they enforced the law to prevent the violence by stopping Teresa Hoang’s supporters from crossing the line.

This is the second time the HPD officers were called to at the same location in the District F. The previous incident occurred in the evening on January 23, 2011. HPD officers were called to protect City council member Al Hoang. He was facing his angry constituents, who were there to protest him about his misuse of the community funds while he held the Vietnamese community’s president job, his unclear and vague explanation about the money he borrow from his puppet lieutenant to purchase a community center even before he took over the community top job, his double standard elected positions as a city council member since Jan 02, 2010 while he still secretly held the community elected position of a 501(c)(3) organization located in District F until Dec 12, 2010. These accusations now are in Harris District Court # 334 awaiting for the new appointed District Judge to decide.

This time, a month later, police were called to stop Al Hoang and his Sister’s supporters from crossing the line to verbal attack the protesters from VAVLT. Two times, the city has to send their police force to protect the political interest of City Council Member Al Hoang, his family and his supporters in his own district!

VAVLT promises that they will continue their quest to bring Al Hoang, his sister Teresa and his gang to justice and until that goal is met, the City of Houston will have to send more police officers for their council member’s safety while the local government has a budget crisis and man power shortage!

Tam Tran

Đẹp Magazine



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